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Re: 羽毛球場及籃球場租用收費加幅為何如此驚人 ? ?

Postby Ray » 2011 Jun 18 Sat, 2:01 am

其實管理處有冇考慮過唔加價,而係減價。意思係非繁忙減至$18-20, 而繁忙時間維持$30。



Posts: 9

Re: 羽毛球場及籃球場租用收費加幅為何如此驚人 ? ?

Postby Mickeyb » 2011 Jun 18 Sat, 10:04 pm

但如果租俾附近學校D"興趣小組"打波,那我們的會所便漸變成對外公開,其它設施又是否同樣處理???這又會否違反大廈公契及其它稅務問題??這方面要大家深入研究.... :D
Posts: 18

Re: 羽毛球場及籃球場租用收費加幅為何如此驚人 ? ?

Postby Guest » 2011 Jul 02 Sat, 12:18 am

It is totally unacceptable to have such huge increment. If maintenance expense is the reason for the increment, why do we need to reserve such a huge amount of money from our management fee to cater for the same purpose?

I do think most of us looking forward to property management office to re-consider the fees of sports facilities.

I'm afraid that the next step...GYM room no longer be FOC.
Posts: 5

Re: 羽毛球場及籃球場租用收費加幅為何如此驚人 ? ?

Postby 會所 » 2011 Jul 04 Mon, 10:32 am

Thanks for your kind opinion, we will keep on review the hire charge and monitor the using rate of the court.
Posts: 165

Re: 羽毛球場及籃球場租用收費加幅為何如此驚人 ? ?

Postby Guest » 2011 Jul 04 Mon, 10:47 pm

Thanks for your reply.
I wish you can review the facility charge as the service for owners but not as a profit center only.
Posts: 5


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