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Why BBQ site is still closed?

Postby 陳總 » 2022 Sep 30 Fri, 2:53 pm

The government had relaxed all restrictions to public gathering for a long time already, why the BBQ site is still closed?
Posts: 9

Re: Why BBQ site is still closed?

Postby 會所 » 2022 Oct 06 Thu, 3:50 pm

Thank you for your valuable advice.
For the captioned, we have made inquiries to the relevant government departments. And finally the Enforcement Section of the Licensing Office under the Home Affairs Department replied that the barbecue venues in the housing estates are indeed under the “Prevention and Control of Diseases (Requirements and Instructions) (Business), Chapter 599F. The clubhouses under the Regulations (and Premises) are not catering premises. Therefore, it is indicated that the barbecue venues in housing estates cannot be opened for the time being.

We will continue to pay attention to the government's announcement and the epidemic situation for making adjustments of the facility arrangements promptly.

Should you have any inquiry, please feel free to contact our Clubhouse at 2608-5012. Thank you for your co-operation!
Posts: 165

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