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Noise Pollution

Postby WL » 2013 Feb 09 Sat, 12:47 pm

Hi All,

I have been living in La Costa for almost 2 years, I really like it here as a small community, very helpful club house staffs & security guards ...

However, most recently I observe that neighbors above my flat start dropping cigarette to my balcony, more and more traffic noise mostly coming out from the buses after mid-night and early starting from 5:30 am & also the construction noises coming from nearby flat too persistently for 3 months. I have already closed all the windows, sealed all the windows & lay carpets on floor as well but seems it does not helps much. Before when I was living in Block 1, there was a family they "spoke" very loudly to each other early 7 am everyday & another family turned on music real loud making my flat almost like shaking ....

Seems I have no choice but may have to move out to another community & really hope that people can be more considerate to create a nice living environment in La Costa.

Posts: 14

Re: Noise Pollution

Postby 客戶服務處 » 2013 Feb 20 Wed, 4:55 pm

Thank you for your valuable advice regarding the captioned matter. Also thank you for your appreciation to our staff.

Please be informed that notice had been posted up to remind residents to be more considerate and to avoid creating excessive noise especially in the early morning and midnight. Besides, our Customer Service Staff will try our best to assist to coordinate when receiving noise complaints. Finally, maintain a peaceful and comfortable environment, mutual understanding and cooperation between residents are highly appreciated.

Once again thank you for your valuable advice. Should you have any queries or need assistance, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Office at 2608 5000.

Customer service Office
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