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Bleach spray - poison to toddlers / dogs

Postby Guest » 2012 Aug 22 Wed, 9:49 pm

Estate managment has sprayed diluted bleach on all the walls around the la costa outside walls on 22/8/2012. The bleach water was left overnight.

Think about this :
A toddler who just learnt how to walk fell on the floor and touched the diluted bleach water. Before the parents notice, this toddler put his/her hands in the mouth. What would happen?

This toddler would vomit and got sick because s/he is poisoned by bleach water.
It is dangerous to by-pass especially toddlers / dogs who are totally unaware that diluted bleach unattended because "someone complain of the smell". Even they noticed it, it would be too late as they have already touched or swolled the CORROSIVE bleach!!

Please AWARE the serious and dangerous result of left bleach water on the outside walls and floor.
PLEASE RINSE thorougly as soon as possible after applying the bleach!
PLEASE do extra RINSE to ensure all the bleach is being washed away.
DO NOT let the bleach left on the floor / walls that will cause serious HARM to our TODDLERS and DOGS!!!
Posts: 6

Re: Bleach spray - poison to toddlers / dogs

Postby 客戶服務處 » 2012 Aug 30 Thu, 7:23 pm

Thank you for your valuable comment regarding the captioned matter.
Please be informed that in order to solve the problem of the foul
smell along the estate boundary, our cleaning contractor use diluted
bleach water to clean and sterilize the said area, and the problem
seems to to be improved.

However, having considered your valulabe advice, we have arleady
instructed our cleaner to stop using diluted bleach water, and are now looking for other method to improve it. Besides, our cleaners are also reminded to thoroughly clean the estate boundary with proper cleaning method on every Sunday.

Once again thank you for your comment. Should you have further
equries, please feel free to contact us at 2608 5000.
Posts: 1059

Re: Bleach spray - poison to toddlers / dogs

Postby YM » 2012 Aug 31 Fri, 10:04 pm

I think the contractor have done a good job on erasing the smell and disease spread by the excrement dogs!

Please aware the serious result of disease spreading by the excrement of animals. Thanks
Posts: 47

Re: Bleach spray - poison to toddlers / dogs

Postby YM » 2012 Sep 02 Sun, 10:26 pm

今晚行過D尿味又出番來了 :(
Posts: 47

Re: Bleach spray - poison to toddlers / dogs

Postby sweethome » 2012 Sep 12 Wed, 3:16 pm

咁辛苦唔好係度住ma :o
Posts: 8

Re: Bleach spray - poison to toddlers / dogs

Postby YM » 2012 Sep 13 Thu, 12:44 am

Posts: 47

Re: Bleach spray - poison to toddlers / dogs

Postby KK » 2012 Sep 13 Thu, 5:28 pm

事實上,無論係唔係狗主都好,都唔應該整污糟哂啲地方。試問,若然每個人都隨地吐啖,食環署派幾多人手清潔都冇用啦 。

所以做人最緊要係要有 "公德心",唔好貪一時方便,將自己嘅快樂建築在別人的痛苦身上。
Posts: 10

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