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Postby Lawrence & Yoyo » 2011 Dec 21 Wed, 12:40 pm

本人的車位分別在上星期日及昨天晚上發現有一灘尿液係我車位地面, 發出極臭氣味.
我唔知道係人定動物所為, 昨晚巳向管理處報案, 煩請認真跟進.
因本車位位於CCTV盲點, 又考慮到有外來洗車公司進出車場, 我想要求CCTV可以cover到所有車位, 希望法團考慮.
Lawrence & Yoyo
Posts: 40

Re: 車位地面發現尿液

Postby Lawrence & Yoyo » 2011 Dec 21 Wed, 12:59 pm

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Lawrence & Yoyo
Posts: 40

Re: 車位地面發現尿液

Postby 客戶服務處 » 2011 Dec 22 Thu, 9:21 am

多謝業戶的反映。服務處職員昨日已與 閣下聯絡了解事件詳情,現正翻查影像紀錄以作跟進,並於 貴車位位置進行清潔及消毒。此外,就增加閉路電視鏡頭以全面覆蓋整個車場,服務處將研究 閣下的建議後再與管委會商討。
Posts: 1059

Re: 車位地面發現尿液

Postby Lawrence & Yoyo » 2011 Dec 28 Wed, 10:06 am

Any findings for this regard?
Lawrence & Yoyo
Posts: 40

Re: 車位地面發現尿液

Postby 客戶服務處 » 2012 Jan 03 Tue, 11:50 am

Posts: 1059

Re: 車位地面發現尿液

Postby Lawrence & Yoyo » 2012 Jan 03 Tue, 3:33 pm

Thank you for responding.

I am not surprised to know that no findings could be done due to the incompleteness of the current CCTV monitoring system.
However, I would strongly recommend that please put this as high profile in the regular IO meeting and consider enhancing the current monitoring system with more parking areas covered, this can help not only for case tracing and investigation but also provides sort of preventive measure.
Lawrence & Yoyo
Posts: 40

Re: 車位地面發現尿液

Postby Lawrence & Yoyo » 2012 Jan 17 Tue, 4:18 pm

what is the discussion result for this issue from the last IO meeting?
Lawrence & Yoyo
Posts: 40

Re: 車位地面發現尿液

Postby 客戶服務處 » 2012 Jan 18 Wed, 4:01 pm

During the last meeting, Customer Service Centre have put forwards the CCTV system enhancement proposal for IO's discussion. In principle, IO opined that we should strengthen the CCTV monitoring system in a more cost effective way. In this regards, Customer Service Centre is now studying other lower-cost CCTV system enhancement plan and will submit the proposal to IO for further consideration.

Meanwhile, we will strengthen the patrol frequency and monitoring
within the carpark area. Thanks again for your valuable suggestion
and understanding .
Posts: 1059

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