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Postby JC » 2010 Sep 14 Tue, 10:55 am

Posts: 18

Re: 討論區登入

Postby 2008 » 2010 Sep 15 Wed, 5:30 pm

打開大門隨便參觀,痴 :o
Posts: 44

Re: 討論區登入

Postby JC » 2010 Sep 16 Thu, 3:31 pm

no comment from MO?
The old forum is required to login for accessing, why not for this new one?
Posts: 18

Re: 討論區登入

Postby 客戶服務處 » 2010 Sep 17 Fri, 9:38 am

The old forum is the same as this new one, that means no login is required for reading the forum.
Posts: 1036

Re: 討論區登入

Postby JC » 2010 Sep 17 Fri, 2:39 pm

why don't you consider to require login for the forum? that's the point what we are asking.
Posts: 18

Re: 討論區登入

Postby 客戶服務處 » 2010 Sep 18 Sat, 12:25 pm

This topic has been discussed before, pls read the old forum.
Posts: 1036

Re: 討論區登入

Postby JC » 2010 Sep 20 Mon, 11:06 am

is it a reply from our a responsible MO?

no explanation, no links to old forum, no improvement?

do you mean that if there is any topic we discussed before should not be asked again, whatever the situation is currently?

for example this discussion: http://lacosta.com.hk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=37

since our forum is open to public, what we discussed and complained are all open to public, how could we have a good environment for discussion, particularly to the weakness of our MO? How could we provide suggestion to MO to improve the security and their services?

Our MO or 客戶服務處 , pls think more carefully before your reply. Here is a forum, not a MicroBlog 微博. We do accept a formal reply with in depth explanation and consideration, instead of a quick but meaningless reply.

Up to now, MO or 客戶服務處 still did not explain why no login is requred for this forum. My suggestion is that at least part of the forum should be accessed for residents only.

Other ideas from residents are mostly welcome.
Posts: 18

Re: 討論區登入

Postby 2008 » 2010 Sep 20 Mon, 10:16 pm

如果我無失憶之前舊板記得好似要登入先可以看到住户討論區,網上保安同樣要做好 :evil:
Posts: 44

Re: 討論區登入

Postby YuMoBor » 2010 Sep 23 Thu, 10:06 pm

網上保安, 很難做得好. 黑客法力無邊.銀行網站美國國防部都攻得入. 一個secured server 個月費都幾貴. 我subscribe過一個. 1G容量, 每個月五元 -美金wor! 這個討論區的討論有幾重要? 各位鄰居願意付歀(i.e.增加管理費) 去換取secured log in嗎?

再者, 是否有secured log in, 便可以暢所欲言呢? 網上言論, 言論者最終要負言責. 即使轉載淫照, 最後都被收監.

討論區留言有什麼目的呢? 不滿管理公司, 想XYZ佢, 倒不如在業主大會投下神聖一票, 炒鬼佢咪仲實際. 想他們改善管理, 咪寫出建議囉. 呢啲高見或低見, 街外人點解唔睇得? 睇咗仲好. 例如訪客會明白點解忽然間星期六日公眾假期要先係大閳登記咗先入得嚟.
Posts: 212

Re: 討論區登入

Postby Monster-Ho » 2010 Sep 25 Sat, 3:27 am

the old forum is same, no need to login, there is a button "reply" under each topic, when you click this Reply button, you need to login. That's correct, because I suggested the new forum should keep in this way before, but still no reply from the website builder.. U_U....

On the other hand, i don't think we need a secure login forum. The easier access, the more popular of our forum, that's why all popular forums in HK/worldwide are free to access but require to login before posting. Even the small forum like 嵐岸, 海典灣 forums are free to view.
有心搞事的人, 想要入黎, 點都可以crack 到, 無心人, 你就算free, 佢都唔會入黎chat 兩句. Take it easy.. brother Rat. ^_^
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