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Postby a3709 » 2021 Jun 03 Thu, 9:17 am

Posts: 5

Re: 清洗食水缸停水問題

Postby RLH » 2021 Jun 03 Thu, 4:49 pm

they gave you ~2 weeks notice of this scheduled work - that is enough time to prepare clean water to use between 9-6 for one day.

You posted this at Thu Jun 03, 2021 9:17 am, on the day they are working. They started 17 minutes before you posted. How is the water going to be better if they haven't finished their work?

As of this post, the water pressure has returned and is clear for me.
Posts: 64

Re: 清洗食水缸停水問題

Postby 客戶服務處 » 2021 Jun 07 Mon, 12:25 pm

謝謝 閣下的寶貴意見。就有關上述事宜,一如以往,客戶服務處會安排駐苑技工監察承辦商的施工程序,以確保屋苑食水水缸乾淨及儘快完成清洗工作,以便順暢完成並恢復大廈的食水供應。

如有任何查詢,請致電2608 5000與郭先生或譚小姐聯絡。不便之處,敬請見諒。

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