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Re: 可否發出通告勸喻不要在露台吸煙

Postby 客戶服務處 » 2019 May 29 Wed, 5:46 pm

感謝 業戶之寶貴意見。由於每個個案有異,服務處就每次不同個案盡力作出相應跟進處理及協調。按大廈公契Section V, 乃是所闡述業主須遵守及履行的契約、條文及限制,而第6條主要是指每個業主有責任賠償因其行為或疏忽導致其他人或財產造成損失的索償、訴訟或要求。

另由於單位內實屬私人地方,現時控煙的法例,主要針對在法定禁止吸煙區內的吸煙行為。如吸煙行為發生在私人住所內,則屬於法例豁免區域。倘若業戶發現有鄰居單位傳出煙味或異味,可與服務處職員聯絡,本處會就個別事件作出跟進處理(如處理上下層單位滲漏和噪音問題類同),並盡力為住戶之間作出協調及平衡。 如有任何查詢,請致電2608 5000與譚主任或郭主任聯絡。


Posts: 1059

Re: 可否發出通告勸喻不要在露台吸煙

Postby » 2019 May 30 Thu, 10:39 am

Section V 6 詳文如下

Each Owner shall be responsible for and shall indemnify all other Owners and occupiers against all actions, proceedings, claims and demands whatsoever arising out of or in respect of any loss or damage to any person or property caused by or as the result of the act or negligence of such Owner or any occupier of any part of the Estate owned by him or any person using such part of the Estate with his consent express or implied or by or through or in any way owing to the overflow of water or the escape of fumes smoke fire or other substance therefrom.

條文所述如管理處回覆涉及"財物"更涉及"Damage to person",而條文指出有責任賠償對應其行為帶來他人的後果。


證實二手煙會對人體造成致命傷害,而公契SECTION V 6亦對相關問題有所限制。煩請正視。
Posts: 23

Re: 可否發出通告勸喻不要在露台吸煙

Postby » 2019 Aug 26 Mon, 11:16 pm

Posts: 23


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