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Postby Siu Ming » 2013 Mar 31 Sun, 1:52 pm

我想知道點解1座2樓條走廊咁臭?每次經過我都聞到都想嘔。我見過以前都有好多人投訴過,但問題咁多年都無解決過。究竟呢度間管理公司做咩架?我交咁多管理費白交架! :evil:
Siu Ming
Posts: 19

Re: 1座2樓走廊臭味

Postby RLH » 2013 Apr 02 Tue, 3:12 pm

I think it's what they use to clean the floors with. It doesn't always smell but when it does, it smells like a public toilet.
Posts: 64

Re: 1座2樓走廊臭味

Postby 客戶服務處 » 2013 Apr 02 Tue, 7:13 pm

就有關上述事宜,相關影響鄰居的租客已於去年中遷離本屋苑,期間,客戶服務處定期觀察走廊之氣味情況。然而近多月來,曾有業戶反映間中聞到有異味,客戶服務處亦已立即跟進處理。收到 閤下之意見,客戶服務處職員已於今天到該層走廊視察,但未有發現明顯氣味,同時亦聯絡該層各單位業戶作出查詢,只有一位業戶表示於3月底間中聞到臭味,其餘各業戶均表示近期沒有於走廊聞到臭味。此外,客戶服務處已就是次查詢再次提醒養狗的業戶,應加強單位內的狗隻衛生處理,以保持環境衛生。


Posts: 1060

Re: 1座2樓走廊臭味

Postby Siu Ming » 2013 Apr 03 Wed, 1:45 pm

Agree! i have a dog myself but dogs don't smell like this, i think it can probably be a composite bad smell with antiseptic chemical mixed together,at times of high humidity or rainy days, it smells indeed like a public toilet (those not cleaned well but try to use aromatic spray to cover it, which makes it even worse)that makes one puke!

I went by the place yesterday to get my car, seems sitiation has slightly been improved Thanks for taking reactive measurement by the management office!look forward for further improvement so as to provide us a hygenic living environment!
Siu Ming
Posts: 19

Re: 1座2樓走廊臭味

Postby 客戶服務處 » 2013 Apr 13 Sat, 12:26 pm

Thanks for your valuable opinion.

Upon received your opinion last week. We removed the charcoal deodorizer on last Friday; actually the situation had been improved. In order to keep the hygienic living environment, we will strengthen the cleansing work at the common corridor periodically. We apologize for any inconvenience to be caused.

If you have any queries on the above matter, please feel free to contact our customer service office at 2608 5000.
Posts: 1060

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