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Indoor Playground

Postby 丁丁 » 2011 Jul 07 Thu, 5:36 pm

I suggest Club House to request people to wear socks if using indoor playground for sanitation purpose because foot disease could be transmitted if bare foot.
Posts: 11

Re: Indoor Playground

Postby MD » 2011 Jul 08 Fri, 12:50 am

越來越多嘅限制, 只會令越少人黎會所玩, 咁係咪要進場嘅小朋友帶口罩呢, 口水都會傳染細菌, 唔戴係咪唔准入呀? 我覺得可以提示人著襪, 但不可禁止冇著襪人士進場, 唔係個個人都有香港腳, 如果真係有, 唔係著襪就可以避免傳播, 香港腳一眼就睇到, 如果一發現直情要趕佢走添啦!
Posts: 19

Re: Indoor Playground

Postby MD » 2011 Jul 08 Fri, 1:04 am

另外, 比多個參考資料, 馬鞍山體育館的室內兒童遊樂場都不需著襪都可以進場玩. 我們的會所, 多多參考政府做法吧.
Posts: 19

Re: Indoor Playground

Postby 會所 » 2011 Jul 08 Fri, 11:31 am

To : mango

Thank you for your kind suggestion.
With reference to the other clubhouses in Ma On Sha (including Ma On Shan Stadium's indoor children playground), there's no rules and regulations requesting the users to wear socks while playing in the indoor playground. In order not to cause much inconvenience to our residents, we therefore will keep the rules and regulation unchanged. Besides, we will strengthen the disinfecting work to the indoor playground to keep a good hygienic conditions for the users.
Posts: 165

Re: Indoor Playground

Postby 丁丁 » 2011 Jul 08 Fri, 11:36 am

唔係淨係香港腳嘅問題,仲有灰甲同腳汗呢? 如果有個人用D汗掂你, 覺唔覺得好噁心?
Posts: 11

Re: Indoor Playground

Postby Lawrence & Yoyo » 2011 Jul 08 Fri, 3:21 pm

Mango, guess most of the ppl (esp. parents) can understand your concern behind, which makes sense just like what we need to put the socks on when using massage machine in the clubhouse.
But yes, it makes no fun with too many restrictions tho.
One suggestion is that asking your kid to put cloths / socks on for better protection if you think it's necessary.

you wouldn't ask the ppl on street to put the mask on if you think you're weak or you would be infected easily right?

anyway that's just my thoughts, peace.
Lawrence & Yoyo
Posts: 40

Re: Indoor Playground

Postby 丁丁 » 2011 Jul 08 Fri, 4:56 pm

I agreed with you that it's not fun if too many regulations, I raised this not because of myself but everybody else, in fact, I have just been to the indoor playground for twice even have been living here for 5 years. I have nothing to lose if I don't bring my kid there.

I concern this because one day i was at the indoor playground with my kid, i saw a man with his wet shorts & body (still with dropping water as he just went out from the swimming pool), but no one monitor this, then i noticed the sanitation issue.
Posts: 11

Re: Indoor Playground

Postby MD » 2011 Jul 19 Tue, 7:02 pm

如果人人都可以擔當監察者, 發現違規情況時可以即時通知職員, 阻止違規情況繼續出現, 相信會所而家唔駛貼到周圍都係告示. 最終嗰句 : 就算規則要著襪, 那些不守規則嘅人都會直行直過當睇唔到, 到時咪又係你過去叫職員出聲叫番佢出去. 你見到有人隻腳濕哂都照入遊樂場, 比著我一定出聲, 這實在太過份.
Posts: 19

Re: Indoor Playground

Postby Monster-Ho » 2011 Jul 20 Wed, 11:14 am

雖然本人無入過playground, 不過都贊成需要有守則規定入場人士. 正如Gym 規定, 使用按摩椅需要用膠袋套腳.

但我又覺得執行起上黎系有難度, 可能好多小朋友都系游完水即興再去玩, 甘好難叫佢地要着返襪. 而且人手方面又的確系問題.

可否訂立regulation, 說明會所職員有權要求未著襪的人士離開playground? 既可避免無例可依被人投訴, 又保留權力保持該區潔淨?
Posts: 80

Re: Indoor Playground

Postby 會所 » 2011 Jul 21 Thu, 1:41 am

早前已提及到會所職員已向馬鞍山所有屋苑會所(包括馬鞍山體育館)進行普查及發現上述場所均没有要求使用者需著襪才能進入室內兒童遊樂場. 為避免對住客造成太多不便, 室內兒童遊樂場之使用守則將維持不變, 但會持續地加強清潔及消毒以保持場地衛生. 另外, 當遇有特殊情況出現, 會所職員仍有絶對權利要求使用者離場, 例如 : 衣衫不整或衣物濕透人士等.
Posts: 165


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