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Re: Indoor Playground

Postby 丁丁 » 2011 Oct 12 Wed, 2:29 pm

To: Club House

I was with my kid to the Toy Library at the Hong Kong Central Library last week, they also request people to wear socks inside the Toy Library due to hygiene reasons. Please study again to see if the regulations at our indoor playground has to be adjusted, thanks.

http://www.hkpl.gov.hk/english/aboutus/ ... er_10.html
Posts: 11

Re: Indoor Playground

Postby 會所 » 2011 Oct 20 Thu, 9:54 am


We fully understand your concerns regarding the hygenic reason. However, " It makes no fun with too many restriction" if we impose more and more rules and regulations to the Play Area. In order not to cause much inconvenience to our residents, we will keep our rules and regulations of Play Area remains unchanged and will strengthen the disinfecting work to the indoor playground to keep a good hygienic conditions for our users.

Thanks for your kind suggestion !
Posts: 165


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