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3/F No.81 靚車位出租

Postby Strawberry » 2012 Aug 17 Fri, 3:17 pm

A carpark space (No. 81) on the 3/F of La Costa is available for rent in Sept, Monthly rent $2000, with management fee and rate included, and no commission required. Interested parties please call Ms Wong at 67339981, first come first serve.Thanks!

No.81, 3/F 靚車位出租, 於会所电梯出口的一層,非常方便,單邊, 容易泊位,月租$2000 全包, 免佣, 九月可起租,先到先得.
有意請电67339981 王小姐, 謝謝!
Posts: 119

Re: 3/F No.81 靚車位出租

Postby Strawberry » 2012 Sep 03 Mon, 5:02 pm

Rented, thanks~
Posts: 119

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